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                About us

                Ningbo yinzhou xianfeng electronic instrument factory was founded in 1993, committed to all kinds of gas flowmeter, buoy type oxygen decompresser, industrial decompresser, hospital centralized feeding system inhaler, disposable moistening bottles, terminal plug-in and other products production and research and development. In order to further improve product quality, produce high-quality products, win customers' trust and meet customers' needs, the company passed ISO9001:2008 ISO13485:2003 quality management system certification in 2010. And passed the CE NB0120 system certification in 2014.

                In the fierce competition in the market economy today, my enterprise always adhere to the quality first, credit first enterprise purpose, dedicated to the general customer service. In order to meet the needs of our customers, we can design and manufacture all kinds of gas flowmeters and oxygen inhalers according to customers' requirements.

                We carry out scientific management, popularize quality education, improve product quality, enhance customer satisfaction of the quality policy.

                Serve wholeheartedly for the user, let the user rest assured that the use of inexpensive and high-quality products, I believe that our enterprise can become your most dependent partner.

                Honor Qualification

                Production Environment